Robert David Grimes: 1938 - 2012
We lost a very dear friend on Aug 14, 2012 and no words can express the feelings that we all had for David, he was a man that everyone loved.
For those who knew David, he was always "Grimey" or "The Old Man". Grimey was always the person you could count on, he was always there to offer a tool, the first to offer a ice cold Bud out of the back of his truck, or the first to cook up a meal for his "family". David was more than a friend to many, he was part of our families and he will be missed!
David, we hope that your happy, sailing somewhere towards the sunset on SlowPoke, reading you book.
Farewell Our Friend, You will never be Forgotten!
Click Here for a collection of Photos of David


The "David "Grimey" Grimes" Memorial Plaque
In 2013, Friends of David and the Tradewinds Yacht Club honored David with a memorial plaque. This plaque is now displayed on the outside of the TYC clubhouse.
Listed below are the friends of David that contributed to the David "Grimey" Grimes memorial plaque.
Bruce & Jan Cowin |
Tony & Bonnie DiMercurio |
Bill Gau & Ellie Luetkemeyer |
Stephen & Theresa Hollingsworth |
Lisa & Bob Howard |
David, Kay & Isabelle Isom |
Bill & Annie MacKenzie |
Jim & Marianna Moore |
Dan Sargent |
Brian & Shelly Stork |
Scott & Jennifer Ray |
Mike & Ellie Vargo |
Craig & Danielle Vera |
Tradewinds Yacht Club |


